Local Buying Tips

Hawaii is such a special place that attracts people every year globally. This gorgeous island has its appeal to many, which leads to a high demand. As always, please consult with loan officer for pre-qualification, you are planning on purchasing your home in the near future. I can also help you get a hard-working, honest loan officer that would be a great help. You would be surprised how each person who will be involved in your transaction can make a big difference for better or worse(Hopefully everybody contributes to YOUR advantage) Anyhow, stay tuned, stay open-minded, Honolulu real estate market is super fast pace. Be patient and flexible, don’t give up till you achieve your goal! 

Renting VS Buying Calculator

What and Why

It's helpful to make lists when you're looking for your next home. Some things are non-negotiable, but others are more flexible. I've always found that it is helpful to make a list of what you want, but also include WHY you want it.


Requirement: Large, open kitchen

Why: Because I host quarterly parties at home for my business. OR Because I have a large family and we love spending time in the kitchen together.


Knowing why you want a specific feature will help you make smart decisions.



How much can you spend on living expenses? Make sure to include taxes, homeowner's insurance, utilities, etc in the price.

-Use our Affordability Calculator

How does your credit look? There are lots of free resources like creditkarma.com that will give you legitimately free credit reports along with tips on how to make sure you're in the best financial position when the time comes.



We both know that life is more than just what happens inside your home. It's important to take into consideration the things that are most important to you like schools, transportation, recreation, and community.

With the lifestyle features, it's a good idea to go through the same process as home features - what and why.


When you're ready to talk about the next steps, I'm here to help!